Monday, May 25, 2009


A small plug for the new Spiritual Zine that feeds the soul, check out if you would like a copy. There is details on there of how to submit your own work too.

A long sleep

Yet again, a long silence has fallen, and it's as though I have woken from a deep slumber in a very dark cave... I think each of us go through periods of time in our lives where we are unaware. Where our minds and bodies close down for a rest. Sometimes it's difficult to wake up again, and for me, it took making some big changes to be able to finally open my eyes and be where I want to be. But I got there it seems. I am finally fulfilling a lifelong dream, and I know that though at the time the deep sleep seemed to be a waste of time, I wouldn't have got to this place without it.
So if it seems as though you are sleepwalking, as though your eyelids are so heavy you couldn't possibly keep them open, don't fight it. Go with the flow, even if it's slow and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Because it is necessary. But make sure you surround yourself with people who understand this, because when the time is right, they will help you to wake up again.