Friday, August 15, 2008

The world is changing...

No, this isn't the intro to the Lord of the Rings, though I do think the world is changing in dramatic ways.  You only have to look at the large number of movies made recently about paranormal, supernatural, and spiritual things to realise that people are becoming more aware of what life is about, and why we are here. You also only have to look at the many, many books in any bookstore, on the theme of self help, metaphysical and spiritual subjects, to realise that something is definitely changing. 

I've started this blog mainly as an outlet for my theories and ideas, but also for the things that I read and the experiences I have. If anything I say means anything to anyone out there, then I would love to hear your stories, ideas, thoughts, experiences... I believe that the more unified and connected we can all become in this world, the better chances we have of experiencing all the good things that we came here to experience.

I'm no expert on anything, all I have to offer are my thoughts and ideas and experiences, I don't think that everything I say is necessarily right, or, that is, right for everyone, because what's right for me, may not be right for others. But I believe that if something resonates with you, then it is because it is right and true for you. 

That's kind of what I was thinking of when I called this blog Organicism. I had no idea at the time that the word even existed - shame on me for not googling it first, I know! But the definition of Organicism that I found, isn't what it means to me. I was painting a wall the other day, and it occurred to me, out of the blue (the wall was cream though!) that we all have this incredible desire to do what is right, to follow something that is true. But how can we possibly do this when what is true for us, isn't always true for everyone? Religions are about people following a certain book or person who professes to know the truth, and for those people who follow that religion, that could be the truth for them. I hope that it is, and that they are not denying their own truth. Personally, I have never found a faith or religion that fully feels true to me. There have been parts that have resonated, there have been beliefs that I have adopted, and even some guidelines that I try to stick by. But I wouldn't call myself a christian, or a pagan, or an atheist, (though when I was younger I said I was an atheist - thats a whole different story though!) because I don't fit into any of those boxes. I have even read a lot on Holism, which is a movement that I am very interested in, but again, didn't quite fit. So anyway, I'm painting this wall, and the idea of Organicism pops into my head. And this is going to sound so cheesy, because it sounds like a byline to a bad, bad commercial, but the words: "The religion that grows with you." Also popped into my head, and I thought about it, and it made sense to me. An Organic religion would be one that was different for every person, because as we know, no two organisms are the same. It would be a religion that grew with each person, there would be no hard and fast rules, no book that you had to live by. The only rule I could think of that would be most needed is this: Be true to yourself. Sounds corny, I know, but how many of us are? How many of us just accept what we are told and don't think outside the box that someone tries to stuff us into? 

Well, this turned into a very long ramble, I will try to be more organised with my thoughts in the future! But it's a start, and I think that's sometimes the hardest thing - figuring out what to write on the blank page. 

There will be more. If you have stumbled upon this, please leave comments if you want to, and come back soon, I will write more.

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