Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ask and it is given...

Hello all, it's funny how when I started this blog in August, I was totally fired up, and suddenly yesterday I realised I had forgotten all about it! Well, after much memory searching ( could not remember my password!) I've finally logged in, and want to say something about a brilliant book I am currently reading. My friend has read most of the books by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and kept telling me how good they were. So I finally picked one up, and so far I am loving it. I am reading Ask, and it is given. I had assumed that once you've read The Secret and Cosmic Ordering, thats all you need to know, but I assumed wrong! The book is beautifully written, and several things made me sit up and take notice, one of them even comforted me so much that I feel a little less weight on my shoulders. The second part of the book has processes to try that help in the manifesting process, and there are several that I have already started to implement, and they're so much fun, that I actually remember to do them!! 

Having read quite a few books on the subject, I have developed my own theories on how we 'create' our own future, and I shared one of my tried and true practices with a close friend. I told her exactly how to word it, and made her write down exactly how she wanted a certain situation to play out, and though what she wanted seemed fairly improbable, she wrote it down, and believed in it 100%, and what do you know? Less than a week later, the situation turned out EXACTLY as she had written it down. 

We are in control of our own lives, all the time, no exceptions. We just don't always realise it :)

1 comment:

anndees said...

Hello, Thankyou for becoming my first follower,I have just been reading your blog and i`m going to try to read that book you are talking about it sounds great I love The Secret and like you, all the Harry Potter books,i can read them again and again. I hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Speak soon